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A Full Digital Library at your Fingertips!

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The Library’s Digital Collections Are Expanding!

The Little Falls Public Library now offers more digital eBooks and audiobooks, as well as streaming movies, music, comic books, and television shows  - through Hoopla Digital.

All you need to get started is your library card number and an internet connection. Hoopla also offers an app so you can watch films, listen to music, or read comic books, eBooks, and audiobooks on your smart phone or tablet.

To get started, you simply go to https://www.hoopladigital.com/login, click “Sign Up Now” on the bottom, then search for Little Falls Public Library.

Fill out the brief form, including your library card number, and you are ready to start borrowing all kinds of materials from your computer or smart phone, from anywhere in the world!

Note: Every library patron is limited to eight Hoopla downloads per month.

Hoopla video guides

Learn to set up Hoopla on the Web, iOS, or Android!

Click the video icon to play a helpful guide to setting up Hoopla!  You can also click the Number Icon on the bottom right to move to the next slide.

Slide 1: Getting Registered on Hoopla | Slide 2: Hoopla for iOS | Slide 3: Hoopla for Android | Slide 4: Hoopla for Web


Your resource for eBooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more!

Download Libby, an app that offers FREE digital copies of popular and classic eBooks and audiobooks to your own digital device- all you need is your library card! Libby is available on iOS and on Android!

Talking Books & Braille Center

Need an Easier Way to Read? We Can Help!

talking books and braille center logoWe have partnered with the New Jersey State Library Talking Book & Braille Center (TBBC) to serve residents whose ability to read may be affected by a physical impairment, a reading disability or a vision impairment.

Anyone who cannot read standard print or who cannot hold a book or turn the pages of a book may be eligible for the services of the Outspoken Library, a name given to TBBC’s no-cost services which include:

  • Audiobook players
  • Audiobooks
  • Braille Books
  • Access to downloadable audiobooks, magazines, and Braille.
  • 24/7 audio news reading services, Audiovision and Newsline.

If you are interested in these services, contact Joe at 973-256-2784 for more information about eligibility, to obtain an application, and to listen to a demo of the audiobook player, audiobooks, and audio news reading services.


National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled Logo

The New Jersey State Library Talking Book & Braille Center is a regional library of the National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped, a division of the U.S. Library of Congress. The audiobook players and audiobooks that you may be eligible to receive are provided by the Library of Congress